There are so many things I will remember about my precious grandmother. Most of all I will remember that she was always praying for me and reminding me to go to the Lord with my burdens and stay close to Him in times of good and bad. Her marriage to my grandfather was one which I try to mimic everyday. Once I told her, "I want to find a husband just like Pepaw." She responded, " Oh, honey, you will never find anyone like your Pepaw, he is one of a kind."
Memaw was always a hands on grandmother. The first ten years of my life I lived just streets away from her. She saw us almost everyday as we went to her home after school was out since it was donw the street. before she would get home we would always raid the fridge and pantry until she told us she was going to count the lunch meat and would know if we ate any. HA! I wonder if she really did. We both had the same love for water and she taught me how to swim, dive off the diving board, and do the "american crawl", as she called it(freestyle). She was always cooking and sewing. I remember having to stand for what seemed like forever as she pinned me into beautiful outfits she was making for me. She made the best pies, always carried andy's mints, and LOVED to shop. We always made the joke that only Memaw could find a way to fill a shopping bag at the closest gas station. It didn't matter how much older she was you, she could out shop you! Memaw loved to her me sing. Her and Pepaw are truely the reason I continue to use me voice to praise God today. If not for them I would have let the world keep me from understanding that God can use our gifts even when we don't think there is a gift there to use. We don't have to have the best voice, just an open heart to be led by Him.
There was something special about my relationship with my grandmother. Something between just her and I. In many ways she was my biggest fan and I am feeling like she took a big part of me with her, leaving me part empty. I am finding the world is much less appealing without her here. It is as though my family makes up a thick armor around me and her piece of it has been lost. Now I feel vulnerable where she used to stand. I know that sounds silly, especially since I know that Jesus is my ultimate protector who will never leave me. I guess it is just that my family has created my pesonal safety zone in this lost world and loosing one of them to Heaven makes me feel that bubble has burst a little so that this world is even that more scary. i feel special loss that I was never able to give her ggreat greandchildren. It seems cruel even that God would give me children just weeks before she died, never allowing her to meet them. I know God has a plan but at this moment I can't help but be confused as to why He would allow this. What I do know is that Memaw would have loved them. I will try to send them her love through me. She loved me so much, that is something she never would let me forget.
She was my precious grandmother and what a wonderful grandmother she was. I will always miss her and I will let her legacy live through me as I teach it to my children. I will always love you Memaw and I will see you again on the other side of eternity.